Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer days in Macas

Well, today was "hump day" for VBS/summer school at Emmanuel Christian, and we've had an awesome three days! What an exciting time to finally see the kids who we've been preparing for all week! Monday morning began smoothly (thanks for your prayers!) and we've had non-stop action ever since! School starts at 8am, when my 5-6 year olds come in sleepy and quiet.

By the time I see them at 11:30, it's quite a different story! :)

This is Patti from Ambato! :) We are praying for the details to work out for her to stay for this coming school year!

Every one really enjoys Recess and Snack time!

We've been singing in my classroom....and playing games! (note- Macabians are not accustomed to smiling for pictures! It's like pulling teeth to get a sonrisa (smile) out of them...when they're looking!)

More pictures to come! Please pray that these children would open their hearts to Jesus and understand who He is...their parents as well! Thank you for all your prayers! Our stomachs are adjusting to the new cuisine as well! :) Language learning is progressing more quickly with the challenge of teaching these children who speak a different language, which is lots of fun!

Love to you from Macas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Laura! LOVE all the pics! (especially the one with all the kids raising their hands and the one with the little boy holding the star)! Thanks for posting- I love seeing the details!
