Sunday, September 25, 2011

School Days

I have just a few pictures from is SO difficult to take pictures during the day when there are children to teach!! This is my first group of 1st graders that I have first thing in the morning. They are still kind of asleep so it makes for a relatively "tranquila" class. :)

Flash cards to prepare us to read our first book in English! 

My teaching schedule is different everyday, but normally, I have two classes of 1st grade in the morning, then 2nd grade, a class of third grade, break for recess/snack/planning, and the 1-2 hours of 10th-12th grade Level 4 English. It's a full day! School starts at 7:15 and is over at 1:15. Everyone breaks for "siesta" from 1:30-3pm, but Alyssa and I usually just work straight through (with some good snacks) or I sometimes go for a run if it's not raining! 

In October, we will begin tutoring students who need help in English 5-6 hours a week! I'm going to have to work on my time management to get all these lesson plans written! 

By the way- I am loving teaching the high school class, which was totally unexpected! They are lots of fun to work with! We are reading The Chronicles of Narnia book along with their book work and also discussing a daily devotional story from The Daily Encourager emails I receive from Bro. David Langerfeld! This provides for some good discussions in class! 

Pray that all these students would see Christ in our teaching and that they will want to know more about life with Him. I am hoping to spend more individual time with the students to get to know them on a more personal level and be able to talk about things like this. (This is hard with a class full of students!!) 

Thank you for your prayers for the students, families, teachers, and administrators at UECE!

This was our dining room table (which carried onto the living room floor) a few weeks ago preparing for the first day of school! Lots of bulletin boards were made and flash cards laminated! Thus is the life of a teacher! :)

Much love to you from Macas!

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